May 3, 2008

Never Return

We say it year after year. The worst band should be thrown into the fire.

That's right. Last night was bandfire. But without the fire, due to poor weather conditions. But don't worry everyone (because I know some of you were probably contemplating suicide over finding that out), it was in the FIREside. So it's kind of ok. And they got us pizza. More than ok.

There was a screamer band led by Jake Sinkovitz (fun fact: he was also the co-host of Porchfest), an acoustic performance by Rob Vischer, and a PHENOMENAL performance by JD VanAwesome and the All-Stars.
Screamer music kind of makes us want to die a little inside, as you can tell by the look on Erika's face. No offense to Jake though. It was a fine performance. We just don't like to be yelled at.
Rob did a really good job too. His theme was about risk, mostly the kind brought about by love. His songs were kind of sad, but it's ok because he has a girlfriend, so it can't really be that bad. We're not worried about him. He did a great job. And gave us free CD's. Yes.

Then came JD. Yeeeeesssssssss.
Mark Dusseau took over for Jeff Smith, who recently moved to Indiana, so it wasn't the original All-Stars, but it was still good. We miss you though, Jeff.And speaking of Jeff, Steve Smith (yup. they're related) was on the drums and had a SWEEEEEET drum solo and also makes the BEST faces when he's drumming. He's always fun to watch.

However, this performance was slightly bittersweet, because we think it's the last time JD will ever perform with these guys. Or for SAU.

And this sucks hardcore.

He sang all of our favorites, though, and even sang a new song (Why?) which we really loved. He's really the best guy. Pretty much the opposite of Justin Slager. And speaking of Justin, JD gave us a preview of the song that he's singing at Justin's wedding. And Justin wasn't even there to enjoy it, which pretty much makes him the worst. Again.

Oh. Before we forget, we took a picture with fellow blogger, JAMES GRANT!! Shout-out!

Lastly, Andrew was bored the whole time at Bandfire. And we made fun of him. But even that didn't revive his spirits like it usually does.

On a final, totally unrelated note, we found this quote. And it makes us laugh out loud. So we thought we'd share it with you.

"We're going to send Jessica Simpson to the Democratic National Convention." - President Bush joking with the press about the star who took flak for being a jinx at boyfriend Tony Romo's Dallas Cowboy games.
We always knew George W. had it in him :)


Anonymous said...

1) Nice face Erika.
2) I would have been more lively if your comments didn't crush my spirit.
3) Dubya is one funny guy. And both Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo are dumb.

Anonymous said...

I kinda liked Sinko. I'm not a huge screamo guy, either, but my neck was sore all day today from the head-banging. And thanks for the shout-out, again! :D You're the best!