May 19, 2008

Fly Me to the Moon

I'm (Jessica) not really flying to the moon.

But it's close.
Not really, but in 12 hours, I'm going to be on a flight to Atlanta which then connects to my flight to South Korea.


I thought that the semester went fast, but this trip is coming even faster. It's hard to believe that I'm going to be in South Korea so soon.

I don't know if I'll be able to blog much in South Korea, but Kris is going to be blogging the whole time for SAU. We have a link listed on the side of our blog to Kris' blog, so to keep updated with me, go to his blog.

Or go to this (

Just don't make it too hard on yourself.


Anonymous said...

That last line:
that's what she said.

It works. Kind of.

Anonymous said...

Archie blogged the whole time in Germany... I'm sure it'll be pretty easy. Oh, I mean, so did I. But mine's not really as important as Archie's.