Oct 24, 2008

Surfin' USA

The Florida Mall is fantastic. You can actually go surfing in it. Case in point:

Today was my day off, so I got together with a fellow Fairy Godmother in Training, Allie, and we went to the mall and Downtown Disney.

In the mall, we got makeovers and went to an M&M store...who knew there were even that many M&M's in the world. The store was the size of the Dining Commons. It was humongous.

After shopping, we went to Downtown Disney to go eat at their new restaurant that opened last Tuesday.

And Kate. I found the PERFECT place for you to work.

Imagine Rainforest Cafe, but as a prehistoric dinosaur land!!!!

The restaurant is called "T-Rex" and it has all of these animatronic dinosaurs EVERYWHERE!! There's even an archeological dig in the restaurant where you can dig up dinosaur bones.

There are 4 lands.

Land 1 - The Underwater Reef:

You get to eat under a giant squid that moves. There are also tons of aquariums everywhere and jellyfish that swim over your head.

Land 2 - The Volcano Zone:

You can see the kitchen in this area behind a ring of fire. It's the T-Rex zone and they go crazy because a comet crashes into this area and then they get all the other dinos from the other zones all riled up, so basically everyone's going crazy at once.


Land 3 - The Ice Cave:

Here you get to see icy woolly mammoths and dinosaurs preserved in the glacial walls. Again, it's awesome, but very cold...

Land 4 - The Fern Forest:

This is where I ate.

As you can see, I was terrified.

We then got a GIGANTIC dessert. I think it could probably feed Cambodia.

It had 4 pieces of brownie chocolate cake covered in caramel, butterfinger, whipped cream, and ice cream. Holy smokes.

Speaking of smokes, it also had a dry ice "volcano" in the middle of it.

I know. If you're not craving this by now, you're probably from Mars or something.

Yes, mom - I know I just called you an alien ;)

Also, Build-A-Bear Workshop created a Build-A-Dino Workshop in the restaurant so you can bring a dinosaur friend home.

Lastly, I found out that my fake fiance, Alvaro just got a job there and I saw him there tonight for the first time since his proposal to me.



Anonymous said...

It sounds like the best place ever. Too bad the internet is gay here. Then I would know for sure.

James said...

sounds like the perfect place for a T-Rex Day celebration!

but I'll just have to take your word for it, because like Andrew, I can't see it.

Unknown said...

Giant animatronic dinosaur restaurant? Sign me up. Why does Florida get alot of the cool places to go makes Michigan suck in comparison. Oh wait we don't get hurricanes I guess we do get some good stuff then.

Anonymous said...

yeaaaaaaah. :( i can't see the pictures either.

facebook, facebook, facebook!! :)

miss you.

kate.yo said...

first. m & m world is quite a sight. i went to one in nyc. second. i should have went with you and worked at this t-rex place. :) LOVE it.